Week 6 Top 24
Rank | Score | Team | Previous Rank | Score Change |
1 | 1.0 | Ohio State | 1 | 0.0 |
2 | 0.989277 | Michigan | 2 | -0.002955 |
3 | 0.982723 | Boise State | 3 | 0.001173 |
4 | 0.978106 | Florida | 4 | 0.002258 |
5 | 0.954414 | Missouri | 6 | 0.001548 |
6 | 0.942892 | West Virginia | 9 | 0.007635 |
7 | 0.937531 | Louisville | 10 | 0.008573 |
8 | 0.932214 | USC | 8 | -0.007226 |
9 | 0.902005 | Rutgers | 7 | -0.044857 |
10 | 0.55519 | Texas | 16 | 0.018196 |
11 | 0.547832 | Clemson | 15 | 0.010099 |
12 | 0.53951 | Nebraska | 17 | 0.004768 |
13 | 0.532036 | Tennessee | 18 | 0.021802 |
14 | 0.516473 | California | 20 | 0.01991 |
15 | 0.507463 | Wisconsin | 19 | 0.010567 |
16 | 0.502674 | Pittsburgh | 24 | 0.016113 |
17 | 0.498916 | Notre Dame | 21 | 0.005429 |
18 | 0.493064 | Texas A&M | 26 | 0.014873 |
19 | 0.489849 | LSU | 14 | -0.078328 |
20 | 0.48915 | Georgia Tech | 27 | 0.011489 |
21 | 0.487021 | Auburn | 5 | -0.469843 |
22 | 0.47209 | Iowa | 29 | 0.007647 |
23 | 0.464727 | UCLA | 31 | 0.01742 |
24 | 0.458162 | Alabama | 34 | 0.019071 |
Surprisingly, I'd agree with your top two. However, there's something wrong with Boise State being number three halfway through the season. Missouri number five? Time to start tweaking the formula. Hell, GT deserves to be higher than 20.
scafidi, at 10/09/2006 12:09 AM
I dunno. I initially would have put Michigan at #2 myself. I mean, they just look absolutely unstoppable right now. But LSU was a much higher ranked team than Michigan State, so at least for now I'd probably stick Florida at #2, Michigan #3, then WVU, Louisville, USC. I say that because USC has been looking very vulnerable and someone is definitely going to knock them off. I just hope to god it's not Notre Dame.
Boise State's not #3, but right now they're definitely a top 10 team. Ian Johnson is an absolute beast and Jared Zabransky is making smart decisions with the ball again. They're going to steamroll the rest of the WAC and if you look at their remaining schedule, they're likely to be undefeated in December. I will grant you that if they played in a conference like the SEC or Big T(elev)en, they'd likely be a middle of the pack team, perhaps an Iowa (always the underdog who doesn't get the top recruits, but molds them into a strong team and is always good but just a step away from being great).
Rutgers isn't a top 10 team either, but they have to play at Navy and at Pitt the next 2 weeks, so they'll probably drop one of those games and you won't see an undefeated Rutgers team taking on Louisville in November.
As for Mizzou, I'm not jumping on that trainwreck of a bandwagon again. They're way up there too because they've crushed everyone they've played, but they've played nobody. They play Oklahoma and Nebraska back to back in a couple weeks, that'll be telling as to how good the Tigers are.
Finally, for GT. I think 20 sounds about right to me. Texas A&M and Pitt probably aren't as good as we are, but Iowa and Auburn are almost certainly better, so it evens out. Yes, we beat VT, but if it weren't for sloppy defense in the first quarter and blown coverage, we never would have gone up 21-0 and would have likely lost the game. I'm glad we struggled at home against Maryland to snap the team back to reality and give us things to work on in the bye week before we go to Clemson. That's when you'll find out how good we are. If we can beat Clemson in Death Valley to go to 4-0 in conference play, even the cynic in me will start to get excited about a likely ACC Championship game appearance. Reggie's offense is finally starting to click and some of his drives are looking like he's channeling Joe Hamilton again. I miss the days of being down 13 with 2 minutes on the clock and knowing that you'd win anyway because Joe would hit Kerry Watkins or Kelly Campbell for a 30 yard gain a couple plays in a row, then tuck and run it in for a TD himself. Calvin Johnson is probably better than both of those receivers combined, but there's only one of him, which creates some problems. All in all though, GT has a promising start to the season and a win over Clemson would certainly help our resume for when we drop a decision against a team from North Carolina. This might even be the year we beat UGA again. We won't put up 27 points in the 4th like Tennessee (that was awesome), but as long as we whip the dawgs, I don't care how we do it.
Rev. Adam, at 10/09/2006 10:56 AM
I will bee in Clemson for the game and will see you for Miami. Oh, and thought I would mention, my ACC championship tickets arrived in the mail yesterday!
Anonymous, at 10/11/2006 6:37 PM
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